Wednesday, December 26, 2012

10 New Year's Success Tips - Personality Page (Part 3)

As this holiday season draws to a close, its time to tighten our belts and think about where we a going to do with ourselves in 2013. In my Editor's Letter for December I mentioned that I would return to the and examine our personalities in relation to understanding what's important to us, recognizing our weaknesses without hiding behind them, and striving for balance between the dominant functions of our personalities, and our supporting functions. describes more in depth the process of individuation, the process of consciously realizing our true self, and the individual ways each personality can work towards allowing one's strength to flourish, understanding problem areas associated with our personality type, and solutions to living happily in the world as you are. Below I have provided the "10 Rules to Live By" for each personality type provided by the site, suggestions which might resonate with you if you know what your personality type is. Going into 2013, lets see what happens when we try to abide by these rules for ourselves and explore where our personal style can take us in life. The looks associated below with each personality takes a closer look at those party look ideas from my posts from October, looks that, in my fashion, would be quite adventurous to wear when bringing in a year of new adventures.

Ten Rules to Live By to Achieve INFJ (The Protector) Success

Concept Korea
1. Feed Your Strengths! Do things that allow your brilliant intuition and service-oriented manner to flourish. 
2. Face Your Weaknesses! See your weaknesses for what they are, and seek to overcome them. Especially, strive to use your judgment against your internal ideas and intuitions, rather than as a means of disregarding other people's ideas. 
3. Talk Through Your Thoughts. You need to step through your intuitions in order to put them into perspective. Give yourself time to do this, and take advantage of discussing ideas with others. You'll find externalizing your internal intuitions to be a valuable exercise. 
4. Take in Everything. Don't dismiss ideas prematurely because you don't respect the person generating the ideas, or because you think you already know it all. After all, everybody has something to offer, and nobody knows everything. Steven Covey says it so well when he says: "Seek first to understand, and then to be understood." 
5. When You Get Angry, You Lose. Your passion and intensity are strong assets, but can be very harmful if you allow yourself to fall into the "Anger Trap". Remember that Anger is destructive to your personal relationships. Work through your anger before you impress it upon others, or you will likely find yourself alone. Disagreements and disappointments can only be handled effectively in a non-personal and dispassionate manner. 
6. Keep Your Eye on the Big Picture. Watch out for your tendency to become obsessed with details. If you find yourself feeling very, very strongly about a small detail, take a big step back and make sure that you can still see the goal. You're not going to get there if you get mired in the details. 
7. Be Accountable for Yourself. Don't blame the problems in your life on other people. Look inwardly for solutions. No one has more control over your life than you have. 
8. Be Humble. Judge yourself at least as harshly as you judge others. 
9. Assume the Best. Don't distress yourself and others by dwelling on the dark side of everything. Just as there is a positive charge for every negative charge, there is a light side to every dark side. Remember that positive situations are created by positive attitudes. Expect the best, and the best will come forward. 
10. Relax! Do yourself a favor and learn how to effectively unwind. Get exercise and restful sleep. Take vacations. Engage in relaxing activities. Take care of yourself and your loved ones by learning to let go of your passion and intensity for a respite. 

Ten Rules to Live By to Achieve INFP (The Idealist) Success 

1. Feed Your Strengths! Encourage your natural artistic abilities and creativity. Nourish your spirituality. Give yourself opportunities to help the needy or underprivileged. 
2. Face Your Weaknesses! Realize and accept that some traits are strengths and some are weaknesses. Facing and dealing with your weaknesses doesn't mean that you have to change who you are, it means that you want to be the best You possible. By facing your weaknesses, you are honoring your true self, rather than attacking yourself. 
3. Express Your Feelings. Don't let unexpressed emotions build up inside of you. If you have strong feelings, sort them out and express them, Don't let them build up inside you to the point where they become unmanageable! 
4. Listen to Everything. Try not to dismiss anything immediately. Let everything soak in for awhile, then apply judgment. 
5. Smile at Criticism. Remember that people will not always agree with you or understand you, even if they value you greatly. Try to see disagreement and criticism as an opportunity for growth. In fact, that is exactly what it is. 
6. Be Aware of Others. Remember that there are 15 other personality types out there who see things differently than you see them. Try to identify other people's types. Try to understand their perspectives. 
7. Be Accountable for Yourself. Remember that YOU have more control over your life than any other person has. 
8. Be Gentle in Your Expectations. You will always be disappointed with others if you expect too much of them. Being disappointed with another person is the best way to drive them away. Treat others with the same gentleness that you would like to be treated with. 
9. Assume the Best. Don't distress yourself by assuming the worst. Remember that a positive attitude often creates positive situations. 
10. When in Doubt, Ask Questions! Don't assume that the lack of feedback is the same thing as negative feedback. If you need feedback and don't have any, ask for it.

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