When it comes to taking care of my body, I had always wanted to find the simplest and most intelligent way of grooming myself.I was interested in following a regimen that would produce results that left me feeling fresh, and clean, without feeling like I've globed on a plethora of different beauty products. Just like many teens, I experienced a certain bout with acne. I literally spent so much money on acne creams, and cleansers, astringents, toners, even going as far as obtaining a prescription from my physician. I detest acne! Now as I said before in my first
"Preserving Style" post, in my fashion, what I have found is that outer beauty begins with the health of your skin, and that natural, holistic ways of taking care of oneself is the safest way to go about life.
After a few years of realizing that I was obsessing too much about my acne problem, I decided to do research on how ancient civilizations kept there skin clear and healthy,after all, they did not have all the products and luxuries that we have now in our technologically dependent society. I figured that being that we are creatures of nature, if we use natural products to take care of ourselves (as nature intended), I should be able to not only keep from stressing, and throwing money down the drain, but I could also benefit my body in ways that synthetic products cannot, especially in regards to longevity.
Thinking back on my childhood, my mother had always taught me that olive oil was one of the most healthy oils we use for cooking, and she would even go as far as to apply hot olive oil to our scalps for extra moisture. When I would tell my friends of my mothers beauty techniques, they would think it was so strange to apply olive oil to your body instead of just a cooking component, so I researched the origins of the olive oil and found that olives and olive oil has quite a lineage.
What I found is that natives to the Grecian island Crete have been cultivating the olive tree since 3500BC during the early Minoan period using it as a main staple plant for their economic growth [
source]. Athens, the capital of Greece, received its name from the goddess, Athena, but an interesting story tells of how the city got their name...
"How the city of Athens got its name is also a curious story. Apparently, both Poseidon (the sea god) and Athena competed to win the favor of the Greeks. So, each of them gave a gift to the city people, who would then decide which was the best one (the most useful). Poseidon thrust his trident into the ground and a spring gushed forth. Although the spring created a port in the city which would enable trade, the water of the spring was salty and not fit to drink. Athena, on the other hand, gave the city an Olive tree. The tree could be used for wood, the fruit for food and oil. The Greeks preferred the gift of the Olive tree, and hence the city was named 'Athens' after Athena the goddess of wisdom." [
When I think about Athena, I think of how critical it is to seek wisdom, for wisdom is an awesome aspect to anyone's style.
"Happy is the man who finds wisdom and gains understanding," says Proverbs 3:13, which can be interpreted just as its written. All of the questions that we ask ourselves about our lives (who we are, where we have come from, and where we are going) can be answered when we seek wisdom, and act in accordance to our understandings of the truth. Athena's appearance is always described as having gray eyes which were shining. She would always be accompanied by an owl. An owl is a symbol of wisdom and is a bird that has the capability of seeing in the dark. Often, Athena is also accompanied by the Goddess of Victory, Nike. Athena is always depicted wearing armor and a helmet [
Athena is an interesting goddess, because she was wise enough to consider the olive tree as her gift to the people of Greece. In my fashion, this is the best example of how it is better to be wise than to be strong. Her wisdom gained her eternal glory in the eyes of the Grecians, and because of her wisdom we will always think of, Athena, when we think of the city of Athens, and this is truly how one lives on forever. In my fashion, to have that type of influence over people where people will always remember you for exemplifying a grand quality of yourself to the most excellent standards is the best gift you can bring to this Earth.